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Press conference - Annual report 2021-2022

DateNovember 2nd, 2023Share

Press conference on the occasion of the publication of the 2021-2022 annual report of the Observatory.

The Moroccan SMEs Observatory organized, on November 2, 2023, a press conference on the occasion of the publication of the 4th edition of its annual report. Amal Idrissi, Executive Director of the Observatory, stressed that this report stems from the collaboration and federation of the efforts of the 12 members of the OMTPME, including its data providers. She highlighted the use of innovative methods of Data Science and Machine Learning to process and consolidate the collected data, This made it possible to create the first directory of formal companies in Morocco and to generate indicators aimed at improving knowledge of the Moroccan productive fabric mainly made up of TPME. During this ceremony, Ms Amal Idrissi participated in a panel bringing together representatives of public and private institutions, where she stressed the importance of data exploitation for more effective implementation of public policies, and also to measure the impact to be in a continuous improvement approach.