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Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
47 Bakery Street, London, UK

Who are we?

Why a Moroccan SME’s Observatory?

Although several institutions in Morocco have data on companies, these data generally are used for internal management needs, in the absence of a centralized system to consolidate and qualify them to obtain statistics and multidimensional analysis of the profile and behavior of the Moroccan entrepreneurial fabric.

To remedy this situation, Bank Al-Maghrib took the initiative to launch, in 2013, the reflection on the creation of the Moroccan SME's Observatory and worked to sensitize the various parties concerned, namely ministerial departments, public institutions, and representatives of the business world and the banking sector, of the importance of adhering to this innovative national project that aims to create a single, unified source of harmonized information on companies.

In November 2013, the Moroccan SME's Observatory (OMTPME) was established as a non-profit organization. Since then, it has engaged in a protracted process of collaboration with numerous partners, which was accelerated by signing of data exchange agreements with Bank Al-Maghrib, the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI), the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), and the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC), in 2017. Based on the fusion of data from several organizations, this collaborative endeavor has enabled the construction of the country's first centralized database of formal enterprises.


Missions Of The Observatory

Our missions

Provide statistics on SMEs to the public and private sectors
Conduct general and thematic studies related to SMEs.
Organize national and international events related to SMEs.
Collaborate with national and international institutions and organizations active in the field of SMEs.

Our vision

Be the reference source of information on Moroccan SMEs.

Our values

Our Members

The board of directors of the observatory is chaired by the Wali of Bank-Al Maghrib and consists of the following members.


Bank Al-Maghrib took the initiative to launch the idea of creating the Moroccan SMEs Observatory (OMTPME) in 2013. It worked to raise awareness among various stakeholders, including ministries, public institutions, and representatives from the business and banking sectors, about the importance of joining this innovative national project. The goal was to establish a unified informational system about businesses in Morocco. 

In November 2013, the Moroccan SME's Observatory (OMTPME) was established as a non-profit organization. Since then, it has engaged in a protracted process of collaboration with numerous partners, which was accelerated by signing of data exchange agreements with Bank Al-Maghrib, the General Directorate of Taxes (DGI), the National Social Security Fund (CNSS), and the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC), in 2017. Based on the fusion of data from several organizations, this collaborative endeavor has enabled the construction of the country's first centralized database of formal enterprises.

Governance Bodies

The governance structure of the Observatory includes the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Director.

Governance of the Moroccan SMEs Observatory

responsible for making all operational decisions for the Observatory, including electing its governing board and establishing its overarching goals and objectives.

composed of the founding members of the Observatory. It’s responsible for the overall management of the Observatory and approves the annual program and budget.

responsible for all day-to-day operations of OMTPME. Ms. Amal IDRISSI has been in this role since 2018.

Organizational chart of the Moroccan SMEs Observatory

Our Team

The Observatory has a skilled team organized into areas of expertise: data scientists, statisticians, project engineers, economic and financial analysts, and communication specialists.

Code of ethics

The Observatory has a strict code of ethics that all staff members must follow. This code outlines the ideas and values that all management, employees, and partners of the organization must uphold, as well as the types of conduct that are unacceptable. The Observatory has also ensured that only the Data Scientists team has access to and can manipulate the personal data given by partners.

The Observatory has also created an anti-corruption policy and is equipped to deal with this threat, making it a fully functional part of its deontological framework.