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Legal Notice

Presentation of the website

This website is the property of L'Observatoire Marocain de la TPME, whose headquarters is located in Casablanca, 115, Boulevard de Paris.

The main objective of this site is to facilitate public access to information, through a series of key indicators of demographics and the economic and financial health of businesses, in particular SMEs which constitute an important component of the Moroccan economy.

Terms of use

The use of this website is subject to the following conditions:  

  • Users are asked to ensure the real address of the website of the official portal of the Moroccan SME's Observatory : . The Moroccan SME's Observatory declines all responsibility for other websites which may be put online in its name and whose address is other than the aforementioned address.
  • The documents provided on this site are offered for information and opening purposes only and constitute general information concerning the areas of mission of the Moroccan Observatory of TPME
  • The copyright on this website and all documents contained therein belong to L'OMTPME. This website may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of OMTPME. To obtain this consent, please send your requests to the official address of the observatory below

Access to information

The information, reports, press releases, statistics, and institutional publications of the OMTPME are provided by this site, in recognition of the right of access to information set out by the Constitution of the Kingdom of Morocco.


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The Moroccan SME's Observatory

Bank Al-Maghrib, 115, Boulevard de Paris, Casablanca

Morocco, 20000